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Trampoline Mishap

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A skinny and hyperactive kid does a nice kittle back flip only to land flat on a painful coil.
Accident Videos - 7415 Times Viewed

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Doll Causes Awful Crash
A usually harmless child’s stuffed animal carelessly tossed out a window causes a potentially deadly accident.
Rediculous Playground Jump Accident Videos
Rediculous Playground Jump
If it looks like it will be an impossible jump, it most very well likely WILL BE.
Man Escapes Death  Accident Videos
Man Escapes Death
Ok this idiot better thank his lucky stars that his head is still attached to his body after screwing around near the train tracks.
Ladder Accident  Accident Videos
Ladder Accident
A man’s ladder is smacked out from beneath him by a thousand pound piece of lumber while cutting down a tree.

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