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Massive Jump Fail

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Totally crazy footage of a daredevil biker falling just short of landing an absolutely massive jump.
Stunts Videos - 8434 Times Viewed

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Mega Backflip  Stunts Videos
Mega Backflip
You have to give this guy some credit for walking away with nothing more than a bruised ego.
Bike Stunt Double Fail Stunts Videos
Bike Stunt Double Fail
Not only does he totally crap out on his bike stunt, but his friend is part of the fail.
Rock Face Smash Stunts Videos
Rock Face Smash
As usual, when drinking during a weekend at the cottege, someone does tremendous bodily harm and the ambulance must be called.
Waterslide Wipeout  Stunts Videos
Waterslide Wipeout
Watch as a teenage girl, who turns out to be a good sport, takes a nasty tumble on a homemade water slide.

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