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Dog Grows Up In 40 Seconds

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Really cool video of a dog growing up in 40 seconds, must see!
Animal Videos - 10148 Times Viewed

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Near Death
The luckiest camera man alive narrowly misses being kicked by a horse and gets to live another day.
Puppy Lullaby Animal Videos
Puppy Lullaby
A litter of absolutely adorable puppies is sung a lullaby by their owner and fall right to sleep.
Hippo Licks Crocodile Animal Videos
Hippo Licks Crocodile
It’s pretty amazing how the hippos in this video just casually mingle with the world’s largest crocodiles while they devour their pray.
Adorable Dog and Baby Animal Videos
Adorable Dog and Baby
Dogs and babies are often both adorable on their own but in this video they break your heart together.

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